Does your commercial building need more light? Boost your building’s value and lower energy costs with skylights from VTECH. Skylights make buildings more desirable by bringing nature’s best to lobbies and other common areas, giving employees and customers a place to enjoy natural light and sun. Plus, thanks to their solid-state design, VTECH skylights provide excellent skylight fall protection can withstand even the most extreme weather. Discover how custom skylights can add new life to your space.
Want to explore a unique design for your skylights? Our custom-made structural adapters are designed to fit any opening and conjoin to any building system, allowing you to build the perfect configuration for your home or building. Our expert designers will walk you through the entire process, starting with assessments and recommendations, progressing to specifications, drawings, certificates, and ending with an impervious glasstop solution. Explore the possibilities below for your custom skylight configuration made to spec right in our shop.