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Skylights as Statement Features in Commercial Settings

August 23, 2024

Skylights as Statement Features in Commercial Settings


Definition of Skylights and Historical Use in Commercial Architecture

Skylights, classified as overhead windows, boast a storied legacy in commercial architecture. Their fundamental role revolves around serving practical functions, such as facilitating natural light infusion and promoting ventilation within the structure. These structures come in various forms, sizes, and construction materials, offering versatility in design and functionality.

The Shift Towards Viewing Skylights as Statement Features

Modern businesses with commercial or industrial buildings seek ways to stand out from competitors in every aspect, including their facilities. Hence, along with equipping their spaces with cutting-edge equipment and essential resources, they adopt modern architectural designs and solutions to create top-notch working environments for employees.

As a result, skylights, traditionally known for providing natural light and ventilation, have become one of the go-to solutions to elevate the aesthetic appeal of commercial spaces, making a bold design statement that contributes to the overall brand image and working experience while enhancing efficiency.

Introduction of VTECH's Solid State Design

VTECH's solid-state skylights are an excellent example of modern skylights showcasing a blend of innovation, robust design elements, and high-performance build materials. Incorporating aliphatic polyurethane and LoĒ³ 366 glass in the manufacturing process ensures durability, waterproofing, and energy-efficiency.

The solid-state design, produced through the reaction injection molding (RIM) process, sets VTECH's skylights apart. This method results in one-piece, fully-bonded systems that eliminate the need for caulk or fastenings, making them ultra-durable and resistant to leaking. Furthermore, the company's commitment to excellence extends to custom designs, allowing commercial and industrial clients to choose skylights that meet their functional needs while harmonizing seamlessly with the overall aesthetic of their spaces.

Skylights in Architectural Design

Role Beyond Functional Purposes

skylights have evolved beyond their conventional functions, taking on new roles that redefine the very essence of spatial design. This evolution is marked by:

  • Aesthetic Enhancement: These overhead windows contribute to the overall visual appeal, adding a touch of sophistication and openness to enclosed space
  • Spatial Transformation: Skylights redefine the perception of space, creating dynamic environments by introducing natural light and visual connections to the surroundings.
  • Versatile Functionality: Beyond aesthetics, modern skylight variants with smart technology enhance functionality, serving as prominent features beyond traditional illumination and ventilation, with functions that improve energy-efficiency, automatically control brightness levels, and more.
Integration as Design Elements

Architects seamlessly integrate skylights into the overall design, considering them crucial elements that influence commercial spaces' visual appeal and atmosphere. For instance, skylights bring in abundant natural light, creating a dynamic interplay between light and shadows, toi illuminate spaces and add depth and visual interest to the surroundings. Additionally, the influx of natural light through skylights creates a sense of openness and spaciousness, breaking the boundaries between indoor and outdoor environments.

Innovation in Solid-State Skylights and VTECH's Distinction

VTECH's skylights are designed to be the strongest in the market, showcasing innovation with certifications highlighting their durability. They use advanced materials like aliphatic polyurethane and LoE-366 glass, ensuring long-lasting performance and energy-efficiency. They're also certified for fall protection, impact resistance, and extreme weather conditions, making them incredibly reliable for businesses prioritizing durability along with design and efficiency-enhancement features.

Types of Skylights & Their Feature Statement

Style and Design
  • Custom Skylight Designs: Tailored to specific architectural needs, these skylights offer unique and creative designs, becoming a focal point of aesthetic expression.
Impact of Skylight Shapes on Architectural Statements

The shapes of skylights significantly impact the overall look and feel of a building's architecture. Whether pyramid, circular, vaulted, or geometric, each skylight shape contributes a distinct visual element to the structure. Architects carefully choose the shape based on the desired aesthetic, creating a unique statement that enhances the building's character. The shape influences the architectural style and affects how light is distributed and the perceived spaciousness of the interior.

Consideration of Materials and Finishes

Businesses pay close attention to the materials and finishes used in skylights during selection to guarantee they align seamlessly with the visual language of their commercial space. Whether opting for sleek metal frames, warm wooden finishes, or cutting-edge glass compositions, these choices contribute to the skylights' aesthetic appeal.

Creating a Visual Impact

Use of Skylights to Draw Attention

Businesses use skylights strategically to attract attention and serve as captivating focal points in their commercial spaces. Strategically positioned, skylights act as natural light sources, creating dynamic plays of light and shadow.

Additionally, sunlight streaming through skylights highlights specific areas or architectural features, directing the gaze of customers, visitors, and employees. This intentional use of skylights enhances the overall visual experience, making the commercial space more engaging and aesthetically pleasing.

Harnessing Natural Light for Dramatic Effects

Natural light flowing through skylights can create dramatic effects and transform the ambiance. The interplay of sunlight with the interior architecture produces dynamic patterns and shadows, adding depth and interest to the environment. Businesses leverage this effect to create unique and memorable experiences for customers and occupants, fostering a positive and uplifting atmosphere.

Enhancing Overall Ambiance

Beautifully positioned in commercial settings, skylights make spaces feel welcoming and positive by letting in sunlight. The brightness and warmth these overhead windows bring create an open and pleasant atmosphere. As a result, it positively impacts the mood and well-being of customers, employees, or visitors, making the space enjoyable for various activities.

Skylights in Various Commercial Settings

Application in Retail Spaces and Shopping Centers

Skylights are strategically placed in retail spaces and shopping centers to enhance the shopping experience. These overhead windows flood the spaces with natural light, creating a well-lit and inviting atmosphere for customers. Retailers often use skylights to highlight specific areas, such as product displays or seating zones, creating visually appealing focal points within the store.

Moreover, skylights in retail spaces and shopping centers contribute to energy-efficiency by reducing reliance on artificial lighting during daylight hours. This creates a more sustainable and eco-friendly shopping environment and leads to significant cost savings on electricity bills for businesses.

Focal Points in Corporate Offices

In corporate offices, skylights are strategically incorporated as focal points to enhance the overall workspace aesthetics and promote a positive working environment. These architectural features allow natural light to flood the office space, creating a well-lit, inviting atmosphere that enhances energy-efficiency and employee productivity.

Considerations for Hospitality and Entertainment Venues

Hospitality and entertainment businesses like hotels, theaters, etc., strategically use skylights to elevate the design. These skylights are not just functional. They're tailor-made to enhance the venue's theme and aesthetics. Whether it's a lively and vibrant space or a cozy and intimate setting, they become powerful tools in shaping the overall look and feel of the venue.

Use Cases of Solid-State Skylights

Solid-state skylights find diverse applications across commercial settings, including:

  • Retail Stores: Solid-state skylights elevate the shopping experience with ample natural light, creating a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Corporate Offices: Solid-state skylights enhance productivity and employee well-being and contribute to a positive work environment.
  • Fitness Centers: Integrating skylights enhances workout spaces, providing a refreshing and energizing atmosphere.
  • Art Galleries: Natural light from skylights accentuates artworks, contributing to a vibrant and dynamic display.
  • Restaurants: Skylights offer a unique dining experience, creating a connection with the outdoors and enhancing the overall aesthetic.

Skylights as Brand Identity

Incorporating Skylights into Branding

Skylights become part of the branding and identity of commercial spaces, contributing to a distinct and recognizable image. For instance, strategically positioned skylights align with a brand's ethos of transparency and openness and reflect values of clarity and innovation. Similarly, large-scale adoption of smart skylights reinforces a brand's commitment to sustainability, emphasizing eco-friendly practices.

Expressing Corporate Values

Skylights are more than just windows on the roof. They're like a company's signature in the sky, telling everyone what the business is all about. When a business uses skylights, it's like saying, "We're open, transparent, and we care about our work environment." Whether it's a dedication to sustainability, innovation, or a people-centric approach, skylights serve as silent storytellers, contributing to the narrative of what the company stands for.

VTECH's Tailored Approach

VTECH Skylights goes beyond the ordinary, incorporating cutting-edge materials to ensure skylights stand out in performance and aesthetics. They use specialized glazing options, including impact-resistant technologies and solid-state design, guaranteeing durability and strength in various challenging conditions. The skylights feature aliphatic polyurethane, a robust chemical compound known for its toughness and compatibility with diverse roofing materials.

With diverse design options, including bullet-proof panes and blast-resistant glass, VTECH allows businesses to tailor skylights based on their specific needs and preferences. Furthermore, these skylights undergo rigorous tests, earning certifications highlighting their durability and reliability.


Skylights have transcended their functional origins to become powerful statements in commercial architecture. VTECH's solid-state skylights exemplify this evolution, offering strength, innovation, and aesthetic appeal. As architectural trends continue to evolve, skylights will persist as transformative features, shaping the visual identity of commercial spaces.

To build or upgrade your natural lighting system with VTECH solid-state skylights, call now at 866.491.0843!

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