VTECH skylights are simply the best products on the market for residential and commercial structures. Made from an innovative process, our skylights are created from a single piece of flexible material that is both strong and capable of withstanding impacts from heavy objects.
If you’ve ever owned a home or building with older conventional skylights, you probably know that most skylights can be a vulnerability on your roof. VTECH products are different because we insist on uncompromising performance in every skylight we make.
But what does this mean, exactly? Below, we’ll discuss what makes VTECH skylights different.
How Are VTECH Skylights Made? Which Materials are Used?
VTECH Skylights are made with a unique reaction injection molding process that blends together Polyurethane and Isocyanate into a mold, which is then cured in the shape of a skylight. The glaze is UV-stabilized and pigmented to ensure total durability and strength. Our skylights are available in standard sizes for seamless self-flashing and curb-mounted caps styles.
How Long Should My Skylight Last?
Conventional skylights from most companies are warranted for 5 years and may vary depending on glazing. VTECH products distinguish themselves with their durability and longevity. Our products “are” leak-proof and weatherproof to last longer. Each heavy-duty product is built to withstand everything mother nature can in the real world, without fail. How long do our products last? Let’s just say that our outstanding skylights come with a 20-year transferrable warranty. We’re that confident in the integrity of our products.
Want to know more about how long-lived our products are? Read our warranties, found on our website.
Want to see examples of how tough and long-lasting our skylights are? Take a look at our website where we’ve posted videos of product testing conducted by Intertek Labs. In our fall protection video, we dropped a 600-pound weight on our skylight, and though the glass cracked, the skylight itself bore the weight of the bag. In our FEMA storm shelter video, you can see our skylight was shot by a 15-pound piece of lumber traveling at 100 miles per hour. The glass cracked, but the laminate held. How long do you think our skylights will last?
Are Skylights Sustainable?
The most sustainable skylights are the ones that last the longest. They’re replaced less often, produce less waste, lead to fewer materials dumped in landfills, and are therefore better for the environment overall. In addition, sustainability and energy efficiency go hand in hand.
Work with a skylight company that produces skylights made from energy-efficient glass. VTECH skylights are made from argon-filled, 366 LoE3, glazing. Our fully insulated skylights can prevent energy leaks that can be a burden on your home or building’s HVAC system. Energy-efficient skylights also help control your home’s energy bill.
Want to Install Sustainable, Long-Lasting, No-Leak Skylights? Contact VTECH
VTECH is proud to be a leader in skylight technology, making no-leak skylights for commercial and residential applications. We’re committed to the creation of skylights made from a single piece, with no place for potential leaks or vulnerability.
We ensure uncompromising performance in all of our products. We subjected our skylights to product testing processes to show their strength, but more than that, we revised manufacturing and installation processes until we were confident that our products are simply the best.
Want to try out our no-leak skylight for yourself? Call us today to learn more about our products and how your home or commercial building can benefit from a VTECH installation.