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Jun 09, 21

Skylight Aesthetics and Function

Architects should never compromise between design and technical requirements. Though traditional skylights often struggle to walk the line between functional and beautiful, solid-state skylights never compromise aesthetics for functionality, or vice-versa. From code compliance, fall protection and even fire ratings, solid-state RIM technology skylights can comply to most all rigid specifications while maintaining a beautiful, sleek design you’re guaranteed...

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Jun 02, 21

Skylights Providing Freedom and Flexibility

    The age-old problem with traditionally designed skylights is the need for maintenance and an inability to withstand harsh conditions. Traditionally designed skylights look good and perform beautifully at first, but they quickly start to deteriorate with the constant exposure to sun, intense heat, freezing cold temperatures, and extreme storms. If you’re an architect, home builder...

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May 26, 21

Taking Skylight Design to New Heights

Skylights are one of the fixtures that make modern buildings so beautiful. They bring natural light to dark spaces and overall improve mood, ambiance, and the appearance of structure interiors everywhere. Unfortunately, for a long time, skylights were clunky and inelegant, due to their construction of metal, glass, caulk, and screws. It’s taken a long time,...

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May 19, 21

Skylight Ownership Priorities

Moisture protection. Thermal and acoustical performance. Aesthetics. These are just a few of the reasons to make certain your skylight choice is a solid-state system. When you install a solid-state skylight in your home, you’ll fill a variety of needs all with one product. Solid-state skylights have ultra energy efficiency, total beauty, and superior moisture protection...

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May 12, 21

Skylight Warranties Models

A skylight’s warranty is often an indicator of performance, durability, and the manufacturer’s confidence in their own product. Some low-cost skylights may appear to be well constructed overall, but upon investigation of the product – particularly the warranty – overall weaknesses in the product design and performance become apparent. If you’re buying a skylight for your home or commercial structure, here’s...

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May 05, 21

Skylight Impact Resistant Technologies

Building codes change all the time, as new technologies become available and as new solutions to building problems are uncovered. Without constant changes to the building code and without discoveries of new impact-resistant technologies, whole cities would be leveled by natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes. As impact-resistant technologies are perfected, lives and structures...

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Apr 28, 21

Time to Adopt New Skylight Technology

Commercial glass manufacturers face a constant problem with changing building codes becoming ever stricter. High-performance glass and glazing must be adaptable to a host of regulations meant to improve the safety and efficiency of modern buildings. To meet and exceed building codes on a national scale, VTECH uses all of the latest technologies to manufacture...

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Apr 21, 21

When choosing a skylight, Look Beyond Center-Of-Glass U-Factor

Center-of-glass (COG) thermal performance is a term that only industry experts can love, but which consumers begin to understand when they’re buying new windows and skylights. Also called the U-factor or the U-value COG performance values are just one way to measure the energy efficiency of a product.  What Is COG U-Value? The U-value (or U-factor)...

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Apr 14, 21

Skylight Performance Values Must Include the Glass and the Framing

There’s a lot of attention paid to glass when trying to determine the energy efficiency of a skylight. While it’s true that glass plays an important role in performance, glass is not the only material in the skylight to consider. Anyone who has ever heard the saying “A chain is only as strong as its...

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